Hello and welcome to a strange new world. You have traveled far through the desert, only to be met time and again by one empty oasis after another. You are lost and alone, wandering, wondering if someone, anyone, knows how you feel. And just when you think you can't go on, and no one could possibly understand your struggle, a hand reaches out to you, lifts you to your feet, and carries you to the promised land. He feeds you knowledge, shelters you from the self-righteous (and the ridiculous), and provides you with the tools you need to survive in this brave new world. You are a stranger in a strange land, but you are not alone. Let him be your guide. Follow closely as you travel together on this adventure of a lifetime. For now, you are a foreigner to "Fatherhood" but soon YOU will be the master of this realm.

"No Man is Expendable!"

This is Fodder 4 Fathers...


Fodder 4 Father's readership is growing around the world...

If you are new to Fodder 4 Fathers, we would like to welcome you into the fold. First-time fatherhood (and motherhood for that matter) is no easy task, and we hope you learn as much from us as we do from you. Please, if you like what you read, take a moment to click on the link to our facebook page and give us the "thumbs up" as we will be updating it from time to time with pertinent information you and your family be able to use. Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you will come back again.

And, to all our regular readers, from all over the globe, as always we appreciate your support.

Please spread the word. New Dads shouldn't have to suffer ( I mean, experience first-time fatherhood) alone.

Fodder 4 Fathers

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